Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 1918 3470
Passcode: 820990
Start with this short PowerPoint presentation
Basic information on the DeFi Hybrid Smart Contracts
Zoom Link, Passcode: Kc@Fe2.P
Replays from past sessions:
Replay from January 12: Zoom Link, Passcode: 9&m9t*3k
Replay from January 19: Zoom Link, Passcode: 4th&&0KZ
Replay from February 2: Zoom Link, Passcode: b.11R@jz
Replay from February 9: Zoom Link, Passcode: +$7&+^qm
Replay from February 16: Zoom Link, Passcode: 2tHSQ$0U
Replay from February 23: Zoom Link, Passcode: =Dvsrs^8
Replay from March 23: Catching up with Andrais. We cover the DeFi and other interesting topics on this one.
Zoom Link, Passcode: %Rh=^4Ck